The Journey of the Sacred Fire - 2018​
**In the last 23 years over 16,000 coal bundles have been carried around the world, shared in a ceremony, added to Sacred Fires, and used by good-hearted people. Here are just a few stories of the travels of the Peace Fire coal bundles.
Updated December 1, 2018

Alaska, Haines – On July 14, 2018 Fire coal bundles were left in the 48,000 acres Chilkat Bald Eagle preserve that contains over 80 Eagle nests. The Chilkat Valley is home to between 200 to 400 eagles year-round, and in November on a half-mile stretch of the Chilkat River, there are between 4,000 - 5,000 Eagles feeding on salmon.
Alaska, Fairbanks – On July 6, 2018 Fire coal bundles were handed to Gina Kalloch, an elder and Chairman of the Board of Governors for The World Eskimo – Indian Olympics. The games are the 3rd week of July in Fairbanks.
Alaska, Denali, McKinley Lodge – On July 10, 2018 Fire coal bundles were handed to Laura Wright after her presentation on her experience climbing Denali. Laura said, “We were bogged down by one storm that lasted for 9-days and we did not make it to the top. The climbing season is over for this year, but I know most of the Denali guides and will make sure they carry this Fire coal bundle to the peak next year.”
Alaska, Ketchikan – On July 16, 2018 Fire coal bundles were given to Tracey Wolf, of Wild Wolf Tours. Tracey comes from a traditional native family, and her mom was one of ten raised in the old ways. Tracey gifted the coals to Terri Burr the Tsimshian Language Facilitator for the Shmalgyack language. Terri will give the coals to the remaining three fluent elder speakers John Reese, Philip Almquist, and Joe Thomas. www.wildwolf ftours.com.
Alaska, Sitka – On July 12, 2018 Fire coal bundles were given to Rachel Moreno, a Klingit elder, daughter of the Clan Chief, and 1st woman elected to the Sitka Tribal Council. Rachel also started alcohol and counseling programs in South East Alaska which have helped and impacted 1000’s of her native people.
Alaska, Skagway – On July 14, 2018 Fire coal bundles were given to Shirley I. Wall Mitchell at her store Nature Creations. She sells traditional art of the local natives and the Alaskan people. Shirley is an elder in her 80’s, an accomplished artist, and descendant of the Cherokee Indian tribe. Shirley came to Alaska in 1953, 65 years ago.
Arkansas, Little Rock – Joseph Pfeifer Kiwanis Camp - On Friday, November 3, 2017 Fire coal bundles were placed in the Fire at the “Camp Out” Benefit by Sanford and Binky Toillette. Their Alternative Classroom Experience (ACE) operates during the school year for 3rd, 4th, and 5th-grade students in Little Rock. Their curriculum has become a model program that has been studied by educators from across the United States. Sanford Tollette, the visionary leader, is celebrating his 40th year at the camp. He has been honored at the White House as a Champion of Change, received the AEE Practitioner of the Year Award, and the AEE Kurt Hahn, Jr. Award. www.pfeifercamp.com.
Arizona, Sedona – On March 19, 2018 Fire coal bundles were gifted to the ceremony leader after the Taizê Prayer and Song Service at the Chapel on the Hill. Brother Roger Schultz started this prayer, song, and peace ceremony that welcomes ALL people in 1940, in Taizê, France. The Taizé ceremony is now practiced around the world.
Arizona, Sedona – On March 22, 2018 Fire coal bundles were given to Erik Bendl – World Guy. Erik was rolling a 5’ diameter EarthBall down the sidewalk. He started his journey in Louisville, Kentucky. “I am walking the Earth to raise awareness and help find a cure for diabetes. One interesting person, www.worldguy.guy.
Arizona, Winslow – On April 6, 2018 Fire coal bundles were left in the 911 memorial on the edge of town. The memorial has two twisted and scarred 10’ I - beams from the Twin Towers. These were gifted to Winslow along with a flag that flew at the Pentagon on 9-11-2001.
Australia, Tasmania – On November 8, 2011, Diane Winn, from Mishawaka, Indiana, was with master Sound Healer Dian Booth. Dian asked Diane to strike the sacred Fire. It took both feminine and masculine energy to light the Fire along with three cultures: a Native American from the U.S., a Maori elder from New Zealand, and an Aboriginal elder from Australia. Diane added the Peace Fire coal bundle to this sacred Fire.
California, Mt Shasta – On January 13, 2018, Ayangat, the head shaman of the Mongol Tenger Unen Shaman Association used the Fire coal bundle in a special ceremony with all their Mongolian shamans at Mt. Shasta.
Illinois, Des Plaines - On April 21, 2018, the Fire coal bundles were added to an Earth Day sacred Fire at the 151-year old Methodist Camp Ground. Over 100 people attended The Gathering of Nations Peace and Pipe Ceremony. There were 10 pipes in the ceremony and people traveled from as far away as Mongolia, and across the United States to attend. Cynthia Morgan organized Earth Day. Read about it at www.hmc1860.org.
France, Normandy – On June 6, 2018, on the 74th Anniversary of D-Day the Fire coal bundles were left at the six ceremonial sites during the memorial. It was the first time France asked Native American Veterans to lead the ceremonies with their Eagle Staffs and sacred Fire. Joe Podlasek, Director of the Trickster Art Gallery, in Schaumburg, Illinois organized the Native veterans for all the ceremonies. Joe accepted the coals to carry over.
France, Paris – In May, 2018, coal bundles were shared by Tugsbat and Tuul Tugsuu of the Mongol Tenger Shamans Association, Mongolia, with people from around the world. They attended the 11th Annual Circle of Wisdom Union of Ancestral Traditions Gathering. The gathering welcomed 10,000 people from 120 countries.
Germany, Dietramszell – From May 30 to June 3, 2018, the Fire coal bundle was added to the Sacred Fire at the Elders Gathering headed by Oyatê-the Tacan’sina. Elders from Canada, Greenland, Peru, Mexico (Toltec), and Bolivia were in attendance. “The day before the conference started a rare white buffalo calf named “Dušanka” was born at the Belgrade Zoo, Serbia. We ALL felt this was a very deep and very important sign for all of us.”
Greenland – Angaangaq “Uncle” of Ice Wisdom - Coal bundles were added to the Sacred Fire at the October 20 – 25, 2018 Ceremony for Peace and Water with the Universal Sufi council, at the Big Ice in Greenland. “I thank the Universal Sufi Council for bringing the Peace Pledge Project to Greenland – to Kalaallit Nunaat in my language.”
Greenland, Kangerlussaq – Adam Lyberth, an elder of Ice Wisdom – Coal bundles were sent to Adam to use for his work with the people. “Adam knows more about the Big Ice, the Bartlett Glacier, than anyone in the world. As a guide, Adam has led over 1000 trips with people to the “Big Ice.” In June 2010 National Geographic’s lead story identified Greenland as “ground zero” for global warming. Scientists have said this for the last few decades.
Hong Kong – Katie Scannell is on a 2-year assignment to film and document the sites, people, and culture of Hong Kong. She carried the Fire coal bundles and will leave them in places and with people she meets. Katie and her entire family were involved with the T.E.A.M. Conferences at Northeastern Illinois University for over 20 years.
Hawaii – On July 17, 2018 Fire coal bundles were handed to Dr. Rachel Cartwright in Alaska on the Princess Cruise Ship. She is the “Whale and Orca Woman of Hawaii.” Rachel said, “I know exactly where I will leave these in Hawaii. I will put the coals in the nursery with the baby whales where they feed and grow for six months.”
Illinois, Elgin – On February 14, 2018, at Elgin Community College the Fire coals were used in a ceremony led by Kathleen Bridgina. The program/ceremony was called The Long Red Line: Rise, Resist, Revolt.” It connected to 2.983 groups ALL over the world today in a global movement called One Billion Rising… to stop rape and violence.” Over 200 people were at the ceremony from students, faculty, artists, community members and the Chief of Police.
India, Mumbai - On May 10, 2018, Sir Ajit Telang was given Fire coal bundles to carry back to his Ashram in India. Sir is a Reiki master and keeper of the Agnihotra Sacred Fire. He travels the world sharing his wisdom and teachings.
Indiana, Bainbridge - On July 9, 2018, a Fire coal bundle was added to the lighting of the Sacred Fire by Bill McComb, the head Fire Keeper, at the 4th Annual Sacred Nations Sundance. www.sacrednationssundance.
Michigan, West Olive – On September 14, 2018, at the Sky View Retreat Center Fire coal bundles were given to all 6 of the Grandmothers of the Sacred We at their three-day healing seminar. www.skyviewretreatcenter.
Ohio, Adams Country – near Serpent Mounds – June 2018, marked the 27th year of the Salt Creek Sundance. Fire coals were carried to the Intercessor / Sundance Chief Steve McCullough and added to the sacred Fire by head FireKeepers Marty and Babs Fair. In 1991, the Salt Creek Sundance was the first Sundance east of the Mississippi River. The elders asked for it to take place here and the dance was started to stop the desecration of Native graves.
Scotland, Glasgow – On July 21, 2018 Fire coal bundles were handed to the City of Chicago Bag Pipe Band members at the Northeastern Fire Circle to carry to the World Championships in Scotland, in August 2018. They will be with over 214 bands, and 8000 extraordinary bagpipers at this special event going on since 1930.
Scotland – Knights Templar Rosslyn Chapel – In August 2018 Melinda Perrin of the Prairyerth Fellowship handed the coal bundle to Maureen the head guide. “She showed me the sacred geometry points in the chapel and the symbolism built into this magical place. Maureen also showed me where she placed the coal through a small hole in the inner wall that dropped down to the sacred well. The peace Fire and Sacred Water were joined.”
2017 Highlights
Belgium, Flanders- In December 2017, Gayle Crosmaz-Brown, of Wisdom Drums International, Canada, traveled to the WW I battlefield trenches in Flanders. She used a Fire coal bundle in a clearing ceremony for the1000’s of Canadian soldiers who were killed in these trenches. Gayle is also an elder with the Ice Wisdom group of Angaangaq “Uncle” Angakkorsuag from Greenland. www.WisdomDrums & www.Icewisdom - Angaangaq
Illinois, Chicago – On October 10, 2017 Fire coal bundles were given to Deb Shore, Director of the Water Reclamation Department for the City of Chicago, and her assistant Tim Oravel after their visit to the 150-year old Methodist Camp. Deb was the keynote speaker at our 09-09-09 Water Conference at Northeastern. Ill. University.
Illinois, Chicago – On October 26, 2017 at the 8th Annual International Art in Response to Violence Conference, at Northeastern Illinois University, a sacred Fire was lit by Saba Ayman-Nolley to close the conference. Fire coal bundles were given to Drew Mattot of the Peace Paper Project to carry on his healing work around the world,
Illinois, Chicago / Ireland, Derry – On October 28, 2017, at the iBAM (Irish Books, Arts and Music) Festival Fire coal bundles were handed to filmmaker Maurice Fitzpatrick for his new film “In the Name of Peace: John Hume in America.” The 90-min documentary detailed the 30-year effort about John Hume’s tireless work in the U.S. with politicians and three U.S. presidents to help bring the peace process to Northern Ireland in 1998. Maurice said, “I will carry these Fire coal bundles to John and his wife in Derry, Ireland.”
Illinois, Chicago –- Bethlehem Peace Light - On December 2, 2017, at the Ukrainian Church, the Fire coal bundles were given to Andre Durbak of the Ukrainian Boy Scouts. It was at the exchange of the Bethlehem Peace Light which had traveled lighted from Israel and the birthplace of Jesus and is shared around the world.
Illinois, Chicago / Mongolia – On December 22, 2017, four Shamans from the Mongol Tenger Unen Shaman Association of Mongolia conducted their Winter Solstice Ceremony at the Fire Circle at Northeastern Ill. University.
Illinois, Des Plaines – On October 1, 2017, one of the two traveling Viet Nam walls was in Des Plaines for four days. The Wall is an exact replica at two-thirds the size of the monuments in Washington D.C. The Fire coal bundles were given to Pat who travels with The Wall to all the locations across the United States. Accepting the coals, he said, “This is perfect. I can read the story tonight and carry these with me.”
France, Provence – From October 25 to 31, 2017, coal bundles were left by Kathy Creely in the Provence region of France during a River Cruise. She left coals at: LeVerger, Des Papes, Chateauneuf Du Pape (10-27), in the Rhone River (10-28), in the Church Pierre, Vienne (10-29), in the Saone River (10-30), and Basilica of Notre Dame de Fourviere, Lyon (10-31).
Germany, Hamburg – On October 26, 2017 Drew Mattot, of the Peace Paper Project, was given Fire coal bundles to carry back to Germany for his healing work with children, refugees, and the developing programs in Ukraine with soldiers and survivors of sex trafficking. Go to www.peacepaperproject.org.
Germany, Volcano-Eifel - Dieter Scholz accepted the Fire coal bundles in 2017 and reconnected with us in May 2018. His site at Beuerhof is a very special place. Dieter shared, “Beuerhof is an ancient site where 3000 years ago the Celtic people and other tribes did their ceremonies. In 1990 Archie Fire Lame Deer visited and “awakened” this sacred site. Since 1990 more than 50,000 people have come here to experience old wisdom through ceremonies, sweat lodges, and vision quests. We welcome anyone to come and visit us if they are in the area.”. You can read of their work at www.beuerhof.de
Illinois, Stillman Valley – On November 4, 2017, a Fire coal bundle was left at the memorial dedicated to the 10 soldiers who died at the first engagement of the Black Hawk War on May 14, 1832. A handful of native scouts held out a white flag and came to talk of peace and to meet with the militiamen. However, they were fired upon and there was no return to talk of peace. The 275 militiamen took flight and were so demoralized they had to bring in a new army. Abraham Lincoln helped to bury the soldiers who were killed. There was no mention to honor or recognize the natives who came in peace and were killed. This encounter started the Black Hawk War,
Ireland, Derry – On October 28, 2017, at the iBAM (Irish Books, and Music) Festival at the Irish American Heritage Center, in Chicago, Fire coal bundles were handed to Maurice Fitzpatrick, filmmaker of the documentary “In the Name of Peace: John Hume in America.” Maurice was asked if he could hand carry the Fire coal bundles to John Hume and his wife Pat in Derry, Ireland. Maurice answered, “I will carry these Fire coals to him on my next visit.”
Mexico - Fire coals were added to the Sacred Fire at the August 16 – 20, 2017, Roots of the Earth Kiva Gathering – the World United in One Prayer. A 4-day inter-tribal gathering of Aboriginal nations. Heriberto Villaseñor, Director of these ceremonies, has carried the sacred Fire to Mexico, Chile, Columbia, Peru, and The Netherlands. Invited speakers Philip and Theresia Van der Zee carried the Fire coal bundles to the gathering gifting them to Heriberto.ss
Michigan, Hannahville – On October 6,7 & 8, 2017 Fire coal bundles were given to several speakers at the 13th Annual AAPS International Conference on Ancient America. The conference combines scientific research, evidence, and Native American historical perspective that the world IS and WAS always linked for thousands of years by travel, trade, exploitation, conquest and sharing.
Michigan, Wilson, Hannahville Indian Community - On October 8, 2017 Fire coal bundles were given to Earl Meshiguad Sr., Claude Alexander, and Kevin Bohun at the Potawatomi Cultural Center, Earl Meshiguad Sr. is the Director of Culture, Language and History. This Sacred Fire is the beating heart of their community
Mississippi, Vancleave – On November 3, 2017, a Fire coal bundle was placed in the sacred Fire by the elder and Firekeeper Rolling Thunder of the Live Oak Choctaw of Vancleave. It was the first sacred Fire lit on his land and over 150 people attended the ceremony. The kindling used to help start the Fire was handwritten notes from over 500 children, from local schools, who were told about the ceremony. This was their way to participate.
Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar – December 11, 2017 Fire coal bundles were mailed to Ayangat, the Head Shaman, for the Mongol Tenger Unen Association Shamans gathering and the White Stone Ceremony. The coals will be used in the shaman ceremonies at their gathering. Their organization works with healers and shamans around the world to heal and protect Mother Earth. You can read of their amazing work at www.mongoltengergazar.mn.
​North Carolina, Boone – On December 28, 2017, the Fire coal bundles were gifted to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at the Art of Living International Retreat Center by Pam Brockman, a trainer, and facilitator for the Art of Living. In New Delhi, India – from March 11 - 13, 2015, over 5,000,000 people gathered from all over the world at The World Cultural Event sponsored by the Art of Living Foundation and the International Association for Human Values. Pam Brockman gifted the Fire coal bundles to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, who formed this organization 30 years ago. Lakota Sundance Chief Steve McCullough was the only Native American elder who was invited and attended this world cultural event.
Ohio, Cleveland – On October 30, 2017, Paul Viau and his wife Jan handed the Fire coal bundles to Dr. Barbara Synder, President of Case Western Reserve University, in Cleveland, Ohio.
Paris Project / Chicago, Illinois – On December 1, 2017, more Fire coal bundles were mailed to Dr. Carla Knorowski, CEO and Director of The Abraham Lincoln Library Foundation, in Chicago. In 2009, Carla initiated a “Journey to Paris Peace Initiative” by bringing a peace pole to all 24 cities named Paris in the continental 50 United States, as well as Paris’s in Puerto Rico, Panama, and Ontario, Canada. “The people of Puerto Rico were so moved they held a concert for peace and released peace doves, placing the pole in a museum atop a local mountain.
Discover more of the coal bundles travel stories here: